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  • Voluntary car financing and payment protection insurance, linked to the financing. One of its main purposes is to ensure payment of the outstanding loan balance when the claim is filed.

  • Lets you protect your customers so they don't have to worry about any eventualities, such as unemployment.

  • This payment protection insurance for car loans will give your customers the peace of mind they need.

  • The coverage is sold as a pack, and is offered based on the characteristics and conditions of the commercial agreement.



We offer the cover necessary to guarantee your customers' peace of mind:

Puente, coberturas



Provides the policyholder the guarantee of settling the outstanding loan balance in the event of death, whether by illness or accident.



Provides the policyholder the guarantee of settling the outstanding loan balance in the event of severe disability, whether due to accident or illness. 




This payment protection insurance for vehicle loans covers the dismissal of customers with a permanent contract, civil servants (temporary) and members of co-operatives. The main requirement is that the INEM verify the unemployment situation. There is a waiting period of two months from contract signing and a one-month excess.

Temporary Disability:

It covers temporary disability for self-employed workers, career civil servants and customers with a temporary contract. And it has a two-month waiting period, only for illness, from contract signing and a one-month excess.

Compensation in both cases:

-Indemnity to be received for Cards: Compensation will be paid with 10% of the balance drawn on the date of temporary disability, monthly with a maximum of six consecutive monthly payments, regardless of the customer's payment method and with a maximum of €400/month.

-Indemnity to be received for Loans: Compensation will be provided with the amount of the monthly payment, with a maximum of six consecutive monthly payments or 18 alternate monthly payments, and with a maximum of €400/month.



Covers the risk of total loss of the financed vehicle due to theft, accident or fire, when it is impossible to repair it. This policy complements any other fully comprehensive insurance policy or third-party insurance. 

Publicidad: (1) Información sujeta a las condiciones de la póliza. Seguro voluntario contratado con VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros con CIF A-58333261 y SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros con CIF A-28011864. En caso de suscripción de la operación del seguro, la realizará CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C, E.P., S.A.U., que hace de intermediario en la contratación del seguro como operador de banca seguros vinculado de VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros, de SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros y de Metlife Europe, D.A.C. Sucursal en España y está inscrito en el Registro de distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros de la Dirección de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, con el número OV0077, según se puede comprobar ante este (Registro), con domicilio en el paseo de la Castellana, 44, Madrid (DP 28046), teléfono 91 339 70 00, CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C, E.P., S.A.U. tiene concertado con la entidad aseguradora ZURICH Insurance Plc, Sucursal en España, con NIF W-0072130H, el correspondiente seguro de responsabilidad civil profesional para la cobertura de las responsabilidades que pudieran surgir por negligencia profesional, todo ello de conformidad con lo establecido en la legislación vigente y dispone de una capacidad financiera de acuerdo con los requisitos legales.